
When it comes to 'public journaling', I'm not one to hold back. I have nothing to hide and have nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps I'm a 'voyeur' of the written word. The purpose of my writing is to help others by sharing my experiences. If I can't be of service to someone, then why do it? I do curb my 'gut-spilling' to pertain to only myself, but there may be an occasional victim. Even then, I will not mention anyone by name, but it may not be too difficult to figure out who I'm referring to. If this happens, just keep your mouth shut because the first person to protest will surely give themselves away.

With that stated, thanks for reading. I hope I can help and hope you enjoy.




   It sure does seem like its been a lot longer than two weeks since my last post.  Its amazing how fast time flies by when there's so much going on.
    Basically, we have either a baseball game, baseball practice, or gymnastics every night of the week and Saturdays.  Sometimes more than one of those events.  This past week, we added an event to Sunday as Deven wanted to try-out for the All-Star baseball team.  Sunday was a great day though...the four of us went out for an early dinner and we (well, I know I did!)had the best time.  We laughed so much and it was awesome to have such fun as a family. After that, Scott tooks the boys to Nick's (restaurant) to watch the WWE PPV.  Needless to say, the boys were tired and I think they are still trying to catch up.
    In the coming week, we've got Baseball parties, play-off games and (ALWAYS) gymnastics.  Oh and Mom has an investigation this Saturday (yay!)  I'm looking forward to it since I haven't seen my team in awhile and I miss them!
    Well that should catch you up to the McGrath happenings for now!
    Watch for my review of the movie INSIDIOUS in the next couple of days.  I can't wait to tell you about it!


Parked the Suburban in the parking lot of a building with a huge fountain to eat my salad just so that I could hear the fountain.


To Blog or Not to Blog

I've wanted to 'blog' for awhile now (well for a few years really), but I'm the type of person that has many interests and experiences that I want to share and simply couldn't decide where to start.  I imagined that my blog would be a place where I can share ALL my interests.......but again, where to start?

So, today I'm just starting.  Anywhere with the topics on my mind today.  If I don't just jump in and start....more years will go by.   I'm pretty certain that I will have many more experiences to add as time goes on, so I'd better now!

Here's a snippet of the topics that I'm interested in or have experience in and would love to share with you:

  • My 'working from home' experience, knowledge, tips and resources.
  • My Love of all the Paranormal and Paranormal Investigating
  • My Passion for Horror Movies - heh-heh-heh (imagine evil laugh)
  • My Psychic Journey and Development along with tips for those embarking on the same journey
  • My Desire to De-clutter, Organize and and live simply
  • My Soapmaking 

Perhaps some of those topics above would be better suited on separate blogs, but I can't bog myself down at the moment by trying to decide that right now.   (That's a HUGE obstacle of mine.....thinking too much)

So, before I start thinking too much I'll end it here so that I can just DO.

Keep on keepin' on!

Laura M
Just Doing It